Current Apparatus
2003 Pierce Dash
1750 GPM 2-Stage Pump
750 Gallon Water/20 Gallon Foam
2009 Pierce Contender
1250 GPM Single-Stage Pump
750 Gallon Water/20 Gallon Foam
Chief 1
2019 Chevy Tahoe PPV
Chief 2
2014 Chevy Tahoe SSV
Special Operations Trailer
2005 American Hauler
Fleet photo taken in 2020. Photo Credit to K. Heimburg
Retired Apparatus
What's The Deal With The Yellow Mask?
There has been a lot of speculation as to the unique color scheme of the Schooley's Mountain apparatus. But perhaps now the mystery is solved. See the letter below from former Great Eastern Salesman and President of New Jersey Fire Equipment George Fosdick. The advertisement below also implies the "two tone cab" was developed as a distinguishing marketing tactic.
Look-alike trucks from Barnegat Light Fire Co.
Letter from George Fosdick
Great Eastern Ad circa-1965
A former member owned this tiller and was working on it in the old firehouse. This truck was last seen at the old Rorhrich Farm on Schooley's Mounatin Road